You spend all day on them, they get you from A to B and keep you upright, but are you taking care of your feet properly? Our Sunshine Coast podiatrist care deeply about helping patients walk pain-free, and we’ve seen a wide range of foot issues in our time.
To prevent foot problems in the future, practice simple foot care now. Below, we’ve put together our top tips for caring for your feet year-round!
Keep Your Feet Clean
When showering, make sure you wash your feet. You may assume that they’ll get clean automatically in the soapy water, but that’s not enough. To remove stubborn dirt from them, use a washer or exfoliation glove combined with a clean sponge and soap.
Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate!
During the summer months especially, feet can become dry. To remove dead skin and leave them feeling smooth and refreshed, use a pumice stone and gently scrub the soles of your feet at least once a week.
We’re on our feet so much but we rarely take the time to pamper them. Treat your feet.
Apply a deep moisturiser to your feet after bathing or showering to seal in all that moisture. Your feet will be silky smooth and soft afterwards. You can even put on some fluffy socks so maximise the effectiveness.
Avoid putting it between your toes though, as you want to keep this area as dry as possible to avoid infection.
Invest In Good Quality, Properly Sized Shoes
Your shoes should provide support and protection to your foot while still allowing natural movement. The wrong type of shoe can cause corns, calluses, bunions, and increase your chances of falling. Not to mention, often super uncomfortable!
You probably spend most of your waking hours in shoes, so take the time to care for your feet and choose the right shoe for you.
Trim Your Nails
If your toenails are not regularly or correctly trimmed, you could develop foot problems such as ingrown toenails. Besides being unsightly, ingrown toenails can also be painful and even become infected, causing you a host of problems down the line.
This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to go and get the full pedicure but spend some time tending to those toes.
Let Your Feet Breathe
Let those feet breathe. As soon as you get home, remove your shoes so that your feet can breathe. Dirt and sweat can breed athlete’s foot and other diseases if they remain on your feet for a prolonged period.
Rock Those Socks
Sweat from your feet causes your shoes to become waterlogged causing your skin to swell. This can lead to foot conditions such as fungus and blisters, which are both uncomfortable and harmful for your feet. Wearing socks made from natural fibres like bamboo or cotton that also absorb excess moisture is an essential part of keeping your feet healthy.
You should choose your socks as carefully as your shoes. Make sure you wear high-quality socks made from natural materials (at least 50% cotton or bamboo). Natural materials will help your feet breathe and won’t cause them to sweat so much in hot weather.
Find A Trusted Podiatrist
If you have concerns about your feet, you should consult a reputable podiatrist such as Dean Taylor. A podiatrist can help diagnose your foot problems and get you back on your feet as soon as possible.
Besides offering general podiatry assessments and biomedical examinations, Dean also carries an extensive range of comfortable footwear. Additionally, we perform a footwear assessment to determine whether your current footwear may be contributing to your discomfort or exacerbating it.
There’s no need to look any further if you’re searching for a podiatrist on the Sunshine Coast. Our podiatry services are backed by industry-leading technology and a satisfaction guarantee.
Book online or give us a call on (07) 5456 2562 !